Ingredients every website should have


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Clearly define your company

A good company description can get the reader’s attention and interest.

Choose simple URL

Choose a web address that is easy to remember and easy to type in a web browser or an email address and properly reflects you brand.

Use SSL Certificate
If your website does not have SSL, your website is shown as not secure which may have negetive impact so try to include SSL if not paid you can go for free SSL certificate

Necessary call to action
Try to include 2-3 call to action, you may include it in header, main body & in footer

Color selection

  1. Choosing your right colors for your Websites design is crucial for your online success.
  2. Color can be your most powerful tool to again a reaction from your targeted audience.
    Stick to two three color combination.

Include social media links
Adding social media links to your website can increase trust among visitors

Google MAP
if you have a physical location add Google Map at the footer

Customer Testimonial
They help your potential customers to build trust in you, especially if you are new.

Supporting Image
Images help your potential customers to build trust in you, especially if you are new.

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