How to Increase Online Sales with Ecommerce Website

eCommerce businesses are constantly looking for ways to increase traffic to their store to generate more online sales, no matter how long they have been in business.

We have put together our top 4 methods that will provide noticeable results. Here is how you can increase online sales for your eCommerce website.

Increase eCommerce Traffic With Instagram And Facebook PPC


People laughed at Facebook when they bought Instagram for £629bn back in 2012.  As of June 2018, the photo sharing giant has reached 1 billion monthly active users a month. Who’s laughing now?

The best way to grow traffic and online sales from using Instagram is build out your profile. If your business does not have an Instagram account, create one as soon as you have finished reading this article. From here:

  • Post a minimum of 3 images a day, daily stories and weekly live content. This may seem like a lot work but once you see an increase in sales, it will seem a whole lot easier
  • Be active with your competitor’s followers to win them over to your brand. This includes commenting on their posts and following their accounts. This will build up a good list of potential customers.
  • Run sponsored ad and retargeting campaigns from this account.

Instagram is fantastic but it’s parent company, Facebook, is on another level. Facebook Ads can get your products in front of the right people with ease. Plus, it’s a lot cheaper compared to using Google Ads.

For Facebook ads, do the following:

  • Run cheap ad campaigns to generate leads. Implement a retargeting strategy for visitors that add-to-cart but don’t complete the sale.
  • Use emojis and video content in your ads to grab your audience’s attention.
  • Once the ads are set up, use A/B testing to determine the best place for your ads to appear on their timelines.
  • You can also get help from Social Media Marketing professional.

Increase eCommerce Sales With SEO Techniques


There are 3 must have SEO strategies your eCommerce website must be using:

  • Link building
  • Content marketing
  • Keyword research

To increase your sales, you need to be using a series of different link building strategies to direct customers to your store. The more links you build, the higher your store will organically rank in search engines and the amount of referral traffic will increase.

You should also be looking to produce regular content on your store’s website. This can be in the form of blogs, articles, videos, etc. Content creation is one of the most effective inbound marketing techniques. The better the quality of the content, the more traffic you will generate.

Finally, keyword research is critical to increasing sales. You need to know how to best describe your product so customers can find it. Keyword tracking also plays a big part in this. Reverse engineer what keywords are increasing your organic traffic or not.

Increase Online Sales With Promotions


Competitions, giveaways and discounts are guaranteed to give you short bursts of increased sales. The point of doing these is to increase conversions and promoting your brand to new customers.

If you decide to run a sale, customers are likely to purchase a product for two reasons:

  • Fear of missing out
  • Limited availability

If items are scarce in supply, the customers realise they haven’t much time left to purchase them, so will buy. The fear of missing out also applies because customers will see that everyone else is buying it. This validates the product.

When it comes to running competitions and giveaways, it’s about creating buzz about your brand. Get customers to subscribe to your email list or share a post that you have created on your new store’s Instagram account and in return and give them something rewarding.

Another great technique to increase sales with a giveaway is to provide it to someone with influence. Get in touch with someone with a large following and engagement and ask them to review the product. In return, they can keep the product for free.

Increase eCommerce Sales With Frequent Emails To Subscribers


This is one of the oldest tricks in the books but if you aren’t using your email list to its fullest, you are missing out on easy sales. In fact, email marketing generates £29bn in retail sales annually.

On your website, there should be a clear call-to-action for new visitors to sign up to email notifications. Tell the customer the benefit of signing up. This could be in the form of a weekly newsletter which includes information on new blogs you have created.

Once they have signed up, send them a welcome email. This should also apply to customers to have purchased a product from your store. A subtle touch convinces the customer you have them in mind and will likely open further emails you send them.

Frequent emails that include exclusive discounts or new product information will increase online sales.

And that is great place to end this article. These are the best 4 methods that will increase online sales for you eCommerce website.

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