7 Important Reasons Why You Need Website Redesign

When it comes to the digital realm, your website serves as your storefront. It is responsible for a variety of important tasks—from displaying products and servicing customers, to capturing information and storing valuable data. Your website is a representation of your brand, and it’s often the first impression potential customers will have of your business.  Therefore, it should be polished, professional, and perfected at all times. In many cases, website redesign will be needed in order to ensure operate as smoothly as possible. Luckily, there are a variety of factors that can alert you to an inefficient website so that the proper updates can be made. If your website falls into one of the following seven categories—it’s time for redesign your website.

1. Your Website Lacks Quality Content

Content is king, written content should be clear, concise, and compelling. Hire a professional for website redesign to guarantee a smooth flow, and triple-check all webpages to make sure they’re devoid of filler content and grammatical errors. Text should be accurate and up-to-date, with your business’s current address, contact details, products/services, and any special offers you wish to mention.


2. You Need Website Redesign When It’s Outdated

If you remember the websites of the 90s and early 00s, you’ll recall the rudimentary designs—they were essentially digital “brochures” that offered little more than you would experience just turning the pages of a leaflet. Technology has come a long way, and today’s websites (when designed correctly) can provide users with a plethora of tools to help them engage with your brand and get the most from their visit. Too many popups, widgets, sidebars, and clashing colours are common signs of a website that’s stuck in the past. If this sounds like your website, it’s time to website redesign.

 3. Your Website is Unresponsive

Responsive web design essentially means that your web pages are properly displayed (and functioning correctly) regardless of the device they’re viewed on (i.e: mobile, desktop, tablet, etc). An unresponsive website usually refers to one that is only fully functional when visited on a desktop computer— so one that does not respond and recalibrate based on the device specs of its visitors. By now, everyone should have a responsive website. Mobile devices have become the preferred medium of internet users, and it’s essential that your website accommodates them.

responsive web design

4. Your Website Offers a Poor User Experience

User experience all boils down to the way a visitor reacts to your site. You obviously want users to have a positive experience when they visit your site. You want them to feel that the trip was worth it, that they found what they were looking for, and that they’re likely to return—and hopefully even recommend your site to a friend! In short, visiting your website shouldn’t be a stressful ordeal for users—it should be enjoyable as well as productive. Though responsive design plays a large role in user experience, user experience also concerns issues such as slow loading pages, too many pop-ups, unclear navigation, and cluttered content. A website redesign will be able to target these issues and improve the overall quality of your site, and the experience of those who visit it.

5. Your Website Has Poor Conversion Rates

Your conversion rate is basically the measurement of visitors to your site that wind up purchasing a product, availing of your services, or completing another CTA. A high conversion rate means your website is successful, and a low conversion rate means—you guessed it— you’re doing something wrong. There’s always room for improvement, and your conversion rate could be greatly increased by a strategic redesign. Simple steps such as adding a clearer call to action, including customer reviews, offering a variety of payment options, incorporating video, and displaying customer testimonials should help to increase your conversions.

 6. Your Website is Unlisted on Google

People rarely scroll past the first few pages of the Google search results, and that’s why it’s so important that your site is listed in one of the prime ranking positions. “Listing” on Google means an influx in traffic to your website, and therefore an increase in sales for your business. There are ways to achieve a valuable page position, and this has to do with how your site is structured and what you put onto it. In addition to quality content that includes careful keyword placement, how you link, how you utilize social media, and how your site is structured (among other things) will play a role.


7. Your Website Has Poor Images

When it comes to visual content like images, info-graphics or videos, ensure all graphics are professionally done but stay away from obvious stock photos. Consider enlisting the help of a good photographer to create an arsenal of photos and videos that can be used both on your website and across your social media profiles.

8. Your Website Doesn’t Align With Your Branding

Your brand should always be presented as a united front. Branding, from your logos to your stationary, your website to your hard copy, should be cohesive. Your website, like all other byproducts of your business, should remain true to your brand. If this isn’t happening – it’s time for a change. You want someone to be able to look at your website and know that it couldn’t belong to any business but yours. Your redesign team will be able to help ensure this is the case while providing you with the tools you need to keep your branding fluid throughout all your platforms.

If your website’s traffic is faltering, you’re not gaining the sales you want, or you simply feel that your online presence is a bit lackluster, redesigning your website can provide the boost you need to get things moving in the right direction. In this day and age, all businesses require a strong digital foundation to flourish—and it all comes down to the design. Give your business the support it needs to excel with a redesign. It’s time your website started working for you.

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